Wednesday 19 June 2013

I keep my honey in the bathroom...

I've decided to kick off this blog by telling you about the gooey-est thing I've done all year: tonight, I washed my face with honey.

This isn't my own brainchild. It's been two years since Crunchy Betty's Honey Challenge, and from what I can tell, people are doing it willy nilly, keen to benefit from its antibacterial and moisturising properties. But it was the evangelical reactions over at Sali Hughes Beauty that sent me down to the grocery shop, ready to baste my own face with a ton of the good stuff. So tonight, I popped open a jar of Asda's best, armed myself with a teaspoon, and hit the bathroom.

Step 1: Pour 1/2 a teaspoon of the stuff into your hands, and rub onto your face.

This bit was fun. Be careful not to put too much on at once though, or you end up with attractive snot-like streaks running down the front of your clothes.

Step 2: Leave on for 10 minutes as a mask.

Now, there is a major thing to consider here - how are you going to get the honey off your hands? You either have to have a highly dexterous elbow-tap encounter, or do what I did, and make a forlorn pilgrimage down to the kitchen to beg your laughing housemates to 'help you get it off''.

Once that's done, however, you're free to sit and read a book / watch Game of Thrones / stare out of the window until the time is up. But...I challenge you not to start licking your face - within seconds I was tonguing my own cheeks like a crested gecko.

Step 3: Wash off with warm water.

Easier than you'd think. Twenty seconds with a flannel and the job's a good un. That applies in several situations, I find. Warning: when you go to clean up, approach the mirror with caution . For you will look like Lumiere from Beauty and the Beast.


I noticed an immediate difference. My skin looked and felt clean and smooth, my pores were less noticeable, and my face had a nice sheen. Half an hour later, it looks just as good. And at £1.18 a jar, it's the cheapest cleanser I've ever used. Just hide yourself away while the mask is on. 'Human flypaper' is not A Look.

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